installation for babies
 mg 0262

Instituut voor Infanten, movie installation for infants

Dsc 2549

Instituut voor Infanten, observatory for infants

When does a child learn the unspoken agreements of common sense? When does the pleasure of seeing riddles and possibilities in the things give way to established patterns of expectation?

The atmosphere in Uta Eisenreich's playstation is somewhere between a toddler group, a socio-psychological observatory and a space for play therapy. While children play together, and explore the world of things around them, adults are in the position of an observer. A video installation for babies and toddlers shows a movie that they can watch sitting on the lap of an adult companion. Here, common sense is accompanied by uncommon nonsense, elementary development exercises, classical experiments and assessment tests are combined with pictures that fascinate, amaze and amuse children.

 In preparation for this work, the artist visited the Baby Research Center in Nijmegen, where the social-psychological and cognitive development of infants is researched. Inspired by this scientific work, she develops her own artistic research methods.